Tips to Ace Your Virtual Job Interview

Blog, Interview Tips


Although many companies have transitioned to working remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are still many companies looking to hire new people to join their team. Video interviews are now becoming the norm during these unprecedented times. Here are some tips and strategies that you can utilize to make an impression and ace that virtual job interview!


  1. Test your technology. You can’t successfully complete a video interview if your camera or microphone isn’t working properly. Download the video interview platform that you will be using and familiarize yourself with the program in advance. Similar to an in-person interview, show up 15 minutes early! This entails turning on your computer or laptop, testing your camera and microphone again, making sure you are connected to the Internet, and opening up the video interview software.


  1. Remove distractions and create an ideal set up. Minimize clutter on your desk and in your surroundings. Find a well-lit spot with a clean and neutral background. If you have a roommate, partner, or even children home during your interview, make sure they are aware of it and ask them to not disturb or interrupt you during that scheduled time. If you have any pets or children, make sure you close and lock your door so that they can’t make any unexpected appearances. Lastly, don’t forget to turn off or silence your phone.


Let’s avoid this situation here!


  1. Body language. Sit straight and make eye contact. Sitting with your back straight can convey a message of confidence. Eye contact is key because it shows you are engaged and interested. With video interviewing, look at the camera often when you are speaking rather than directly at your screen. Try nodding your head and leaning forward a bit when your interviewer is speaking to show that you are engaged. Also, maintain an appropriate tone of voice and facial expression. You may be tempted to touch your face or play with your hair so try to keep your hands on your desk or folded on your lap.


  1. Dress for success. Just because your interview may be taking place at home, doesn’t mean you should remain in your pajamas. You should appear presentable and dress as you would for an in-person interview.


  1. Be prepared. Always research the company you are interviewing with and as with all job interviews, be ready to answer common interview questions, such as the following:
    • Tell me about yourself.
    • Why are you interested in this role/company?
    • What are your greatest strengths/weaknesses?
    • Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership skills.
    • How do you deal with pressure?


  1. Refreshers. A perk about having a video interview is that you can utilize sticky notes to write down information that you would like to highlight. You can post the sticky notes on your screen and during the interview, briefly look at them to make sure you are hitting all the points you wanted to bring up. It might also be helpful to prepare and write down the questions you have for the interviewer.


  1. Thank you note. After your interview, send a thank you email to everyone you met. This is usually done within 24 hours. In your email, thank the person for their time, highlight how you would be a great fit for the role, and reinforce your interest in working with the company.


  1. Be yourself. I know, you have probably heard this a thousand times. It goes without saying that you should not let your guard down completely but being yourself allows you to showcase your personality as well as help you relax and open up more during the interview. This can also help the interviewer(s) evaluate whether or not you would be a good cultural fit with the company.